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Engineering, Procurment, Construction

EPC work is the core of building a solid reliable system. We employ multiple EPC partners in different regions of the country.  We group them with quality local electrical  contractors who are familiar with the local permitting agencies and power companies and an ESP

representative who is on the ground to facilitate

the resolution of any issues tend to arise on

such complicated systems.

Operations and Management

EPS uses Project 1 for their O&M provider



We provide post installation system monitoring and management in conjunction with a systems control protocols. We preform intervals power production and efficiency reports to both system operators and clients

on a predetermined basis.  Project 1 does regular physical system inspections and reports on panels, inverters and batteries.  We also do infrared drone inspection of solar fields to spot any developing hot spots in the panels on a regular basis.​  Project 1 provides panel cleaning services, snow removal and defective/damaged panel replacement to keep optimal power production.  Project 1 also offers vegetation management including an agrivoltaic solution with a sheep heard program that manages vegetation

while sequestering carbon in the soil.  

Project 1 works in conjunction with our OEM's and electrical services provider Jefferson Electric to address any technical electrical that arise from time to time.

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