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EPS Introduction



Advancements in battery technology and increased production in the past two years have changed everything.  Battery prices have seen a 35% drop in their cost while photovoltaic solar cost has dropped over 70% in the last decade.  These price drops, along with advances in battery capacity, solar panel output, reliability, safety and dependability.  Along with advances in system management technology, the integration of solar and battery technologies economically feasible. Stand alone batteries or batteries and solar power

are now a viable, and an economically savvy method to reduce your company’s power consumption and to reduce its carbon output. 

In 2022 the congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act.  That bill opened

up the world of alternative energy solutions to the the entire country by offering varying levels of investment tax credits from 20% up to 50% of

the cost of a qualified system and it's components.  We search out all of

the ITC's available to a project to reduce the overall costs which is

beneficial to project ROI's


In Commercial and Industrial settings, reliable, dependable power is a

must. Even a short loss ordecrease in power can cause major losses in data

or productivity.  In a survey of IT professionals, fully 85% indicated a loss of primary power supply within the previous year with 16% reporting multiple episodes and it is getting worse . Unfortunately, 91% of those who lost service suffered an unplanned data center outage and the economic impact of those outages have run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Back up power is not a luxury. It is an essential component of any successful commercial or industrial enterprise. Battery storage is now available, and it provides a cost effective, faster, cleaner power, with the ability to generate revenue.  

Our battery systems help protect the environment, provide grid

resiliency, show corporate responsibility, assist with both budget

and operational certainty, creates it's own cash flow and future

proofs against demand changes.


England Power Solutions prides itself on very same attributes of its products reliability, affordability, dependability.  We an alternative power solutions company focused on bringing battery and solar technologies to market so

we can save our clients extraordinary amounts of power, to supply solid

power back up power and develop a smaller corporate carbon footprint

for all of our clients. 

The time to study this tech is over, it is time to save.

Let us show you the way.

Contact us and we will see what kind of solution we can find to changeyour energy profile and enhances your EGS statement.

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